Playa Roca Blanca, Mexico

Trade School Permaculture Gardens, Oaxaca – Mexico

Trade School Permaculture Gardens Mexico | Architects of Life | Based in France, Serving Globally

The Playa Roca Blanca Missionary Base engaged in creating the permaculture gardens for the trade school and restaurant. Those will serve for educational purposes during the cooking classes, nutrition classes; students will benefit from learning regenerative cultivating techniques, they will discover the forgotten medicine of their local trees, and look at nature from a different perspective.

Several strategies are used here to counter the extreme salty and hot condition of a beachfront garden.

Planting systems include functional features such as salt tolerant windbreaks and local canopy trees. Wicking beds, a nursery and aquaponic systems in the greenhouse; edible understory fruit trees, a smart composting station, vertical trellises hosting tables underneath, a natural pond, a polycrop papaya field and more!

All the community is engaged to install the project in different phases, based on project financing and human resources.

Designed by: Eléonore Todini
Installed by: Eléonore Todini (kick-off) and the Roca Blanca Missionary Base Community

Pictures of the Installation Phase

Some elements and features of the design phase:

– food growing systems: wicking beds, aquaponics, medicinal gardens, edible cactus gardens, understory fruit trees, herbs patch, papaya polycrop fields, vertical trellises, herb spiral;

– water elements: drains, natural pond

– functional plantings: salt tolerant windbreaks, local canopy trees, biomass plants for chop and drop